Wednesday, February 23, 2011

field trip part one!

the beach sunset at corcovado 

this is where we stayed, you can see our tents.

A giant tree you could walk under in the wet rain forest

the waterfall at corcovado

me holding a anole lizard that I caught

from the top of the waterfall (corcovado)

corcovado wet forest

half of a flower in corcovado

my friend/roommates (left to Right: Hannah Katie Lindsay)

A beach we passes in corcovado during the long hike

The primary wet forest of corcovado during the long hike

primary forest corocvado

the beach we went to on our long hike in corcovado

the beach after our long hike in corcovado

a basilisk lizard (it can run on water)

Another anole showing his dewlap

A fer-de-lance (venomous snake of Costa Rica)

the brittle star grabbing my finger

the sunset at our fancy hotel

cerro de la muerte forest

from the river in cierpe

river in cierpe

the mangroves

a view from the ocean of the place we stayed

the view outside my tent
I have had quite an adventurous two weeks! The first week started from the hotel in San Jose. We left Wednesday morning and drove to cerro de la muerte (hill of death). It is a high elevation forest and I almost died from not being able to catch my breath at the top of the hill. We saw tons of humming birds at this forest they are a lot bigger than the ones at home and are really loud when they fly. This forest was about 50ยบ ( which is cold in Costa Rica). After learning about a few plant species we got back onto the bus for the rest of our 6 hour bus ride. On the way we stopped at a pineapple farm. I got to see some cool frogs, toads and a tree boa. The town we stayed in was called sierpe. It was right next to a river and had air conditioned rooms!!! Sierpe was EXTREMELY humid and you would sweat even if you weren’t moving. The next morning (morning meaning 7am which is the time that I have been getting up at everyday) we got onto boats and headed out on the river. The whole morning was spent in a mangrove forest. We got to climb in the roots and jump into the river at the end. It was really cool looking and the river water was really salty. We went back to the hotel for lunch then packed up our things and got into another boat. This boat took us all the way down the river and into the Pacific Ocean. The ocean was extremely blue and we say two dolphins jumping out of the water!! I didn’t get sick on the boat at all! When we got the Corcovado there were pelicans diving into the water all around us to grab fish. We set up our tents like 30 ft. away from the ocean. Once camp was set up we had some free time to go in the ocean. The waves were so much fun! Also, fish were jumping up and hitting us. We called it getting “fished”!
            We split into groups and went on different hikes. There were lots of butterflies and lots of anole lizards. During one of the hikes we saw an anteater in a tree. During our free time we hiked to a water fall to swim and relax. That first night we had a campfire on the beach with lanterns instead of actually fire while people played their guitars and we had a sing along. It sounds lame but it was actually pretty fun! Haha
            The rest of the trip consisted of a really long hike to a beach where we saw an AMAZING waterfall! There were monkeys everywhere!! We went to an island and played in the ocean and also went snorkeling. I saw tons of cool fish including a puffer fish and a white tipped shark. Also a sea turtle surfaced right next to me and I got to reach out and touch it. That night (as if the day hike and snorkeling wasn’t strenuous enough) we went on a night hike. There were a lot of giant bugs and we also saw a caiman. There was also a huge frog called a smoky jungle frog. The hike was exhausting but it’s difficult to get a good night sleep when you’re sleeping in a tent that is full of sand from the beach!
            The last day at this beach was spent doing a scavenger hunt. We were sent out into the woods with a camera and a list of critters and things to find. We saw a venomous snake called the fer-de-lance, lots of bats, a coati, and tons of anole lizards! I also chased a caiman through the river because I wanted to catch it. It was just too fast….After our hike we went to the tide pools and look at all the sea life around there. My favorite was this brittle star fish that would coil around your finger if you put it close enough. The next day was spent traveling on boats and busses to this super nice hotel right by the ocean. It was so nice to have a real shower and a bed to sleep in! This concludes part one of the first field trip! It was absolutely amazing!!!!! I attached a few pictures for everyone!

Monday, February 7, 2011

First few days and the flight

Hey everyone!

I hope this works! I just wanted to let everyone know how everything has been going these first few days!

I got to the airport in Minneapolis at about 5 am and my flight left at 6:30 am. I sat next to the nicest old couple who said they would adopt me on the flight to Houston so I wouldn't feel sad about leaving my family. They also bestowed their blessing on me so that I would have safe travels. We arrived at Houston at around 9:40. It was 48 degrees there which a though was AMAZING until I got on my next flight to Costa Rica and arrived in 82 degrees and sunny! That flight was long but I got to fly over the ocean! When we flew over Central America all I could see was mountains and trees. There was steam coming out of several volcanoes and also out of the rain forest. The landscape was totally different than anything I have ever seen!

I landed in San Jose Costa Rica at about 3:45. It was total confusion and total chaos at the airport in San Jose. Luckily we (by we i mean Hannah who also goes to Gustavus)  had made a friend who was a Spanish major in college who was also going to my program. We found the Representative for the program and she got us a taxi which took us to the hotel.

The hotel is very nice. However, it is lacking a pool. I am in a hotel room with Hannah and another friend Lindsey who is from Indiana. We have been learning about the city and the people here. Today we had our first classes. We were sent out with a map to the local market. We were assigned an exotic fruit to find in the market. Mine was called a palmito and is from the inside of a palm tree. After we found our fruits we went to our first classes about flowers and fruits. They set up a huge table with all of the exotic foods for us to try. After that we went out to a big group dinner and drinks. I am now sitting in my room with several friends who are playing guitar and singing us a song.

Tomorrow we are going to museums. On Wednesday we leave for the Pacific Ocean! We will be there for two weeks. We will be sleeping in tents and going on boats! That is pretty much all I know about it right now but I should be able to write to everyone and let them know how the ocean is!

Also, I got a sun tan today :-)