Friday, April 22, 2011

Monteverde life!

I have a few blogs written but I don't get internet where I am staying so there will be a lot of blogs in a short amount of time!

We've been in Monteverde at the biological station for a few weeks and we go to class a lot! It’s like normal class in the classroom too. We also have Spanish 3 days a week. Spanish class is extremely difficult only because I don't speak Spanish at all and my Spanish teacher doesn't speak English at all! It makes class very hard! Apart from going to class we study. I have 2 or 3 quizzes per week and usually at least one test on the weekends. We stay really busy! We've went on a few small adventures. We went to a coffee farm and to a dairy farm. They were both interesting and I got to show off my milking skills!! We took a long walk to this really cool tourist place. It was for our insect diversity day. We went to a giant butterfly garden and saw a huge collection of dead bugs. My favorite part of the trip was when we got to go to the reptile and amphibian part of the zoo. They had lots of snakes and frogs but I couldn't hold any of them. On the way to the trip we had to cross these really high bridges! It was a little scary but SUPER cool. 

We also went on a few adventures of our own. This weekend we went horseback riding through the mountains. I had such an awesome time but I am feeling the effects of being on a horse for hours. Today we went to a strangler fig, a strangler fig starts out as kind of a vine around a tree then it grows and grows until it covers the host tree. The host tree dies and the fig tree becomes hollow inside. That makes it an awesome climbing tree! We climbed inside of the tree and right up to the canopy of the forest. The view was amazing! I have a few more tests and lots more Spanish classes then we’re heading out on our second field trip to the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. It should be pretty cool!

Me inside of the strangler fig tree

Horse back riding in the mountains 

The strangler fig 
A humming bird sitting on my finger

My friend Katie and myself eating sugar cane

The walk to the mountain in Monteverde